In this episode...
In this episode I'm joined by holistic health coach, Megan Putney, to discuss sustainability and reducing your eco-impact. We share small changes you can make that can make a big impact on helping the environment and cutting down on waste.
We offer up tips on how you can begin or add to your sustainability practice and make it practical & workable for you. Without guilting yourself over how much more you could or should be doing, without getting caught up in statistics at the expense of taking action, and without spreading yourself too thin financially or energetically.
Megan shares her intention-based, progress-over-perfection approach toward reducing your eco-impact to help you be able to sustain your sustainability practice for maximum benefit to you, society, and the planet for years to come.
Main Takeaways...
- Do the best you can with what you have! When you are shifting to a more sustainable lifestyle, work within your means in terms of finances, accessibility, time, and location. In other words, make sure you can sustain your sustainability shifts without stretching yourself too thin in terms of energy and expense.
- Don't get too bogged down in statistics or studies. Focus on taking action in your own home and your own life. If you feel like you are unfamiliar with reasons behind the sustainability movement or need to discover your deeper "why" - do a little research, but don’t get too caught up in statistics and labels at the expense of beginning to make meaningful change today.
- Give yourself grace, space, and patience as you make these shifts. Don’t shame or blame yourself for not being able to make your sustainability shifts perfectly, consistently, or all at once.
Put Inspiration into Action...
- This week, look at your home, your shopping lists, shopping cart, and daily routines. Without judgment ask yourself - where am I creating the most waste?
- In other words, where you can make a small change that will make a big impact? Are there things you’re only getting one use out of that you can keep re-using like pasta jars or plastic bags? Consider re-using or re-purposing them as a cost-free sustainability practice.
- How about single-use waste? Are there things you constantly find yourself throwing away - like water bottles, straws, paper bags, produce bags, cotton balls, cotton pads, or coffee shop cups? These are your biggest opportunities to make a high impact swap! Look for a reusable product to take it's place.
- Is there a product or grocery staple you buy all the time that could contribute to positive global change? Coffee & chocolate are great examples of this. Look for a comparable alternative, like an organic, fair-trade, bulk, farmer's market or locally sourced option.
- Remember: slow & steady beats burnout anyday. Embrace one change that works for you and build from there.
Links & Resources...
- Visit Megan's Website:
- Connect with Megan on Instagram: @mindingmysoul
- Follow Her on Facebook: @mindingmysoul
- Checkout Megan's Etsy Shop: @secondandthreadco
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